What Can Be Done

There are many steps that can be taken to help reduce water pollution. Some ways are easy, one-step solutions and others will be a little more challenging. No matter how challenging some solutions may be, they will be well worth it in the end when water pollution is not as much of a big issue.

Steps to reduce pollution:

  • Cut down on the use of plastic and other nonbiodegradables
  • Create stricter dumping laws
  • Dispose of hazardous materials correctly
  • Reuse, reduce, recycle

Reduce Plastics and Other Nonbiodegradables

Cutting down on the use of plastic and other nonbiodegradable items will help drastically reduce pollution. By cutting down, these items will be less likely to end up in our waters. This solution is simple, yet effective. In order for this solution to work, we need to come up with an alternative for plastic. A material that will biodegrade quickly would be ideal. Or simply use only reusable materials. This is an easy fix that will actually save YOU money.



Image result for plastic bottles in oceanCreate Stricter Dumping Laws

Creating stricter dumping laws will not be a quick fix. This will take some time and money, but it will be an effective fix. According to the Earth Island Journals article, “Over 180M Tons of Toxic Waste Dumped into World’s Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes Each Year,” “the amount of waste that mining corporations dump into oceans, rivers, and lakes around the world each year, which tops 180 million tons.” By creating dumping laws, tons of waste will not be dumping into our waters and have to find an alternative way to dispose of waste.


Image result for companies dumping waste into water

Disposing of Hazardous Material Correctly

This is also a simple, yet effective way to help reduce pollution. However, this solution will require time and money. Some ways you can dispose of hazardous waste properly is read the labels on materials. Many come with directions that say how to dispose of them properly. Another way to dispose of materials is to drop it off at a hazardous waste drop off facility, where they will take care of it properly. Additionally, you can recycle some hazardous materials. All these steps will help reduce the amount of pollution caused by hazardous materials in the water.


Image result for hazardous waste

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

This solution may be the simplest of all. Also, the quickest and cheapest fix. This solution will reduce the amount of trash being produced in general, but also the amount of trash that ends up pollution our waters. This fix you also save you money. By reducing, reusing, and recycling you will not be required to buy as many items as before because you are reusing stuff from previous purchases.

  • Reduce-reducing the amount of trash we make
  • Reuse-finding ways to use the trash so it does not have to be discarded
  • Recycle-convert waste into a reusable material

Image result for reduce reuse recycle



I believe my solutions are the best because they are the most common pollutants found in polluted water. By eliminating plastic bottles, restricting dumping, and finding a safe way to dispose hazardous materials, water pollution may be reduced greatly or even go completely away. One of my solutions is a simple one step process and will actually save you money. My more complex solutions will take money and time, but it will be well worth it in the end when water pollution is no longer an issue.